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Creating Azure Table Storage

 Creating Azure Table Storage involves setting up a storage account and then creating one or more tables within that account. Below are the steps to create Azure Table Storage:


  1. An active Azure subscription.

Steps to Create Azure Table Storage:

  1. Sign in to Azure Portal: Open a web browser and navigate to Sign in with your Azure account.
  2. Create a New Storage Account:
    • Click on the "+ Create a resource" button on the Azure portal dashboard.
    • In the search box, type "Storage account" and press Enter.
    • Click on "Storage account - blob, file, table, queue."
  3. Configure the Storage Account Settings:
    • Basics:
      • Subscription: Choose your Azure subscription.
      • Resource group: Create a new one or use an existing resource group.
      • Storage account name: Enter a unique name for your storage account (lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only).
      • Region: Choose the geographic region where you want to create the storage account.
      • Performance: Select either Standard or Premium, based on your needs.
      • Replication: Choose the replication option that suits your data redundancy and availability requirements (e.g., Locally Redundant Storage (LRS), Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS), etc.).
    • Advanced:
      • Data Lake Storage Gen2: Leave this option as "Disabled" unless you specifically need Data Lake Storage features.
    • Networking and Data protection: Configure the networking and data protection options based on your requirements. The default settings are suitable for many scenarios.
  4. Tags (Optional): Add tags to your resource for better organization and management if desired.
  5. Review + Create: Review the settings you've configured, and then click the "Review + Create" button.
  6. Review and Validation: Azure will perform a validation check to ensure that the settings are valid. If everything looks good, click the "Create" button.
  7. Deployment: Azure will now deploy your storage account. This process may take a few moments. You can monitor the deployment progress on the Azure portal.
  8. Deployment Complete: Once the deployment is complete, you will receive a notification. You can then go to your newly created storage account.
  9. Create Azure Table:
    • Inside your storage account, navigate to the "Tables" section.
    • Click on the "+ Table" button to create a new table.
    • Provide a unique name for your table.
  10. Insert Data: You can now start inserting data into your Azure Table using Azure SDKs, REST APIs, or Azure Storage Explorer.

That's it! You've successfully created Azure Table Storage and set up a table within it. You can now start using this table to store and manage your semi-structured data. Remember that Azure Table Storage is schemaless, so you can define the structure of your data as needed, and each entity within a table can have different properties.

 Creating Azure Table Storage

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