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Creating Azure File Storage

 Creating Azure File Storage involves creating a storage account and then setting up file shares within that account. Here are step-by-step instructions for creating Azure File Storage:


  1. An active Azure subscription.

Steps to Create Azure File Storage:

  1. Sign in to Azure Portal: Open a web browser and navigate to Sign in with your Azure account.
  2. Create a New Storage Account:
    • Click on the "+ Create a resource" button on the Azure portal dashboard.
    • In the search box, type "Storage account" and press Enter.
    • Click on "Storage account - blob, file, table, queue."
  3. Configure the Storage Account Settings:
    • Basics:
      • Subscription: Choose your Azure subscription.
      • Resource group: Create a new one or use an existing resource group.
      • Storage account name: Enter a unique name for your storage account (lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only).
      • Region: Choose the geographic region where you want to create the storage account.
      • Performance: Select either Standard or Premium, based on your needs.
      • Replication: Choose the replication option that suits your data redundancy and availability requirements (e.g., Locally Redundant Storage (LRS), Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS), etc.).
    • Advanced:
      • Data Lake Storage Gen2: Leave this option as "Disabled" unless you specifically need Data Lake Storage features.
    • Networking and Data protection: Configure the networking and data protection options based on your requirements. The default settings are suitable for many scenarios.
  4. Tags (Optional): Add tags to your resource for better organization and management if desired.
  5. Review + Create: Review the settings you've configured, and then click the "Review + Create" button.
  6. Review and Validation: Azure will perform a validation check to ensure that the settings are valid. If everything looks good, click the "Create" button.
  7. Deployment: Azure will now deploy your storage account. This process may take a few moments. You can monitor the deployment progress on the Azure portal.
  8. Deployment Complete: Once the deployment is complete, you will receive a notification. You can then go to your newly created storage account.
  9. Create Azure File Share:
    • Inside your storage account, navigate to the "File shares" section.
    • Click on the "+ File share" button to create a new file share.
    • Provide a unique name for your file share, set the quota (the maximum size), and configure the access control settings.
  10. Access Azure File Share: You can access the newly created Azure File share from your Azure Virtual Machines, on-premises systems via VPN or Azure ExpressRoute, or using Azure Active Directory-based authentication.

That's it! You've successfully created an Azure File Storage account and set up a file share within it. You can now start using this file share to store and manage your files. Remember to secure your access keys and configure access control settings for your file share to protect your data.


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